

  At the foot of the mountain, banners are in sight, and drums and horns are heard...... " When you are reciting the poems of great people in a superior and warm classroom, have you ever used "?" to ask yourself how this beautiful thing comes from? When you stand under the bright red flag, do you respect the rising flag?


  When I was a child, I often heard my grandfather humming in his arms: "the East is red, the sun is rising, China has a Mao Zedong..." Yes! With the rising of the sun, our country is constantly developing under the leadership of generations of party leaders. Our technology is changing with each passing day; our life is getting better and better. Many high-rise buildings have been built, rockets are flying to space like dragons, and satellites are flying to the moon like steeds These major events have laid a solid foundation for China's international position, and what the people want most is to have a prosperous motherland.


  Shoots take root and sprout in the shower of spring rain, and we thrive in the arms of the party. Let's hand in hand, heart in heart, always go with the party!