

  When I was young, my mother would tell me fairy tales every night. In my dream, I often dreamed of snow white and lovely little red riding hood.


  I love books, I love the ups and downs of the story, love the vivid characters in the book. I learned a lot in the book, the book brings me incomparable happy feeling. No matter what book, I love all, love to read its fluent words, love to read it sad, like laughing thoughts and feelings. It should be said that every book written by different writers has its own unique style, either deep, sad or happy. No matter what kind of good books, can bring you a good spiritual feeling. Like a cup of ice water in summer, it is incomparably cool after sweating.


  My mother often takes me to the library to read books. Every time I am thirsty, I pick up a good book to read. The afternoon passed before I knew it. Book is the ladder of human progress, it gives me knowledge and wisdom, is my indispensable partner in the process of growth, is the road light in my progress.