
  • there be的否定句与疑问句2019-04-13

    there be句式否定式的用法: there be句式的否定式通常应将否定词置于动词be之后: There is not any bread left. 没有一点面包了。 There isnt anything I can do for you. 我帮不了你什么忙。 若谓语中包...

  • 英语否定句常用句型例句2019-04-13

    英语否定句常用句型例句 1) 一般否定句 I dont know this. No news is good news. There is no person /not a person/not any person in the house. 2)特指否定 He went to his office, not to see him. I am sorry for not coming on ti...

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