

  The annual Arbor Day is coming. Today's weather is very good, and the children's mood is also very sunny. The school organized students to plant street trees for the newly built road.

  你瞧瞧,个个摩拳擦掌。李明和张倩被分到了一组,他们来到马路旁。李明学着大人样开始挖坑,将土堆到旁边,终于挖好一个坑。这时张倩乐呵呵的将小树根部放入挖好的坑里,扶正。李明心领神会 的将坑边的土回填到坑里,然后将土踩紧。为了小树能够茁壮成长,不被大风刮倒,两人将一木棍插入土中和小树牢牢的栓在一起,起到固定的作用。就这样两个合作伙伴,顺利的种好了三棵小树。然 后给小树浇足了水。www.zuihuowenan.com

  Look, everyone is rubbing their hands. Li Ming and Zhang Qian are divided into a group. They come to the side of the road. Li Ming began to dig a hole like an adult, piled the soil aside, and finally dug a hole. At this time, Zhang Qian happily put the root of the small tree into the dug pit and straightened it. Li Mingxin led the God to backfill the soil beside the pit into the pit, and then stepped on the soil tightly. In order for the small trees to thrive and not be blown down by the strong wind, the two men inserted a stick into the soil and firmly tied the small trees together to play a fixed role. In this way, the two partners successfully planted three small trees. Then water the little tree.


  The little tree was laughing in the breeze. The children wipe the sweat on their forehead. Don't say how sweet they are! It's their growing day.