

  "It's a round ball. It blooms in the morning and evening. Its hair is sharp and hard. We dare not catch it." Guess what kind of plant is this? Let me tell you, it is a cactus.


  My home has a pot of cactus, this basin of cactus oval, it is dressed in green coat. It is 15 cm tall and about 8 cm in diameter. It's covered with thorns, probably for self-defense. Those thorns, you will feel uncomfortable when you see them. They are different in length and dense, just like a little hedgehog. If you mess with it, you're in bad luck.


  Although cactus is not as beautiful as roses and has no lilac fragrance, it has strong vitality. I remember once, my parents took me away. Ten days have passed, but I am very worried about the cactus at home. Will it survive if no one takes care of it? So, I urged my parents to go home quickly. As soon as I got in, I went straight to my bedroom to see the cactus. Hey! It did not wither, or the original vitality. I admire the tenacious vitality of cactus. I listen to my mother also said: "cactus's role is great, it's anti radiation, or natural air purifier, with the adsorption of dust, the role of air purification!"


  I like my cactus very much. Do you like it?