

  On the morning of last year's "61", I flew to school like a caged bird with the goods of charity sale.


  Many students have come to the classroom, some of them show off their "products" and some of them start selling. The head teacher came into the classroom and smiled and congratulated: "children, happy 61!" then she gave each of us a fruit candy. I took the sugar and put it in my mouth. Ah, it's orange.

  义卖开始了,老师带我们来到楼下。我在门厅西边铺好了地摊,把玩具奥特曼蛋、一大盒卡片和一本《西游记》取了出来,摆放整齐。刚坐下,一位同学就问:“一包卡片买多少?”“两元。”“成交!”他毫不犹豫地取了一包,递上两枚硬币。我接过带有体温的硬币,激动得心都快要跳出来了。接着,同学们陆陆续续地迎上来。这个一包,那个两包。卡片一下子就被“抢购一空”,只剩下一个蓝色的空盒子了。一会儿,玩具奥特曼蛋和《西游记》也被买走了。我数了数,一共卖了32元。 www.zuihuowenan.com

  The charity sale began. The teacher took us downstairs. I set up a stall on the west side of the hall. I took out the toys Ottoman eggs, a big box of cards and a Book of journey to the West and put them in order. Just after sitting down, a classmate asked, "how much is a pack of cards?" "two yuan." "Deal!" he took a package without hesitation and handed over two coins. I took the coin with my temperature and was so excited that I was about to jump out. Then, the students came up again and again. This one, that two. All of a sudden, the card was "snapped up", leaving only an empty blue box. Later, the toy Altman egg and journey to the West were also bought. I counted it and sold it for 32 yuan.


  At this time, the classmate Xiaoxuan came to me with a bought sword and said, "look, what a delicate sword!" "is there any more?" I asked heartily. "No, this is the last one I found." I'm a little lost, but on second thought, I love the class stall more than buying a sword!


  The sale is over. We counted the money of the sale. Our group has 230 yuan. The teacher said with a smile, "Li Mingyu group is the second most."


  Unconsciously, a morning time slipped away in the happy activities. I laugh and jump, and my heart is sweeter than sugar. I'm really looking forward to the next children's day.